Nut perfect

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  • Design
    • Product & Packaging
  • Production
    • Adaption, transcreation & final artworks

Building brands from scratch!
It takes nuts to develop a brand.

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What a difference
a nut makes.​

Nuts. Good for the heart and bad for the ecological balance.​ There is still a lot of room for improvement at the nut market. Starting with admitting to oneself that things could be better.

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A nut brand unlike any other

This is the neuralgic point at which we have strategically positioned the new nut brand of our customer Nutwork: ​being the first nut brand with the courageous and sincere attitude of wanting to make the world of nuts better, not yet perfect itself.​

Blue nut

Showing more of
the brand's attitude.

We knew that nut perfect would challenge the market. That’s why we also developed a design, that deliberately set itself apart from the staged service proposals of the competitors. ​

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Our ambition is to present 
a contemporary nutstyle.​

With a brand design that is more reminiscent of a lifestyle brand than a nut brand, the aim was to create a brand that permeates through all parts of life.

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Attitude begins on the shelf!​

Our packaging design is not just cosmetics or sales aids, but character representation of the brand.​ We call it the attitude-driven attention booster.​

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There is no such thing
as perfect. ​

We draw comparisons to our products and show a world that is almost perfect. Or not quite yet. Freely interpretable. Not dogmatic. A campaign that is striking, self-confident and self-deprecating. ​

"Nut perfect - but a bite better" applies just as much to life.​

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